Web hosting is widely expanding these days with more and more businesses establishing their online presence. This has also required finding out new methodologies for hosting so as to find a better hosting solution which would be powerful, scalable, reliable and affordable. The traditional forms of web hosting viz. shared web hosting cheap domain reseller and dedicated single server web hosting have seen many changes in their concept over the time to give rise to different and more effective hosting methodologies. VPS is one such methodology that is new and very effective. Let us see what it actually is:

Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting is an innovative hosting method which works by partitioning a single physical server into many virtual machines. A virtual machine is the concept of having many independent machines on the same computer and all those virtual machines work inside a single computer, independently of the Yahoo existence of other such machines as if it is a separate machine. An example will elaborate the idea better. VPS is just like an apartment in a big building. You can very well bring changes to any part of your own apartment without having to worry about the whole building because it will not affect it a bit.

VPS hosting is the future of modern hosting. It provides all the power and functionality that you will probably get with a high-end dedicated server windows hosting but that, at a much cheaper price. When you pay for a VPS, you get your very own, 100% individual machine with your own root access, dedicated CPU and RAM. Each Virtual Server can run under its own operating system or can also have custom configurations of its own.

VPS can come very beneficial in many cases. Unlike shared hosting, problems with one website have no effect on the entire server, and so all of the other websites on that server can work just fine. Similarly, when a website is suffering from cheap linux reseller hosting India high traffic, a shared server is likely to get choked and other websites on it also start getting slower responses. This does not happen with a VPS machine as each virtual machine only uses the resources that are allocated to it without interfering in the work of other machines.

VPS web hosting is surely the best option windows reseller hosting for users who are possibly not very happy with their shared web hosting solutions but still cannot afford dedicated web hosting. 

7/17/2012 08:01:17 pm

Thanks for sharing this great article! That is very interesting I love reading and I am always searching for informative information like this..


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